Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Name Game

The Tumbleweed got a "Fur Real" cat for her birthday. On the package it say that the cat's name is "Lulu". The Tumbleweed, using her new reading skills, read it herself and declared the cat's name as "Luh Luh", pronounced in a very specific manner. A way no one else can pronounce. In fact, if you try she rolls her eyes and says "Oh man" no matter how close you get.

She has always had a knack for interesting names, including: "Kikiwix", her Webkinz Tree Frog; "Big Dolly" & "Little Dolly", her Cabbage Patch Kids; and "Sleeping Beauty", her Disney Girl Doll (because her eyes close when she lies down).

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that she has already chosen the names of her kids. Perhaps her husband will have a different opinion, but someday I could be announcing the birth of my grandchildren, "Sparkles Sunshine" if it is a girl and "Terrence Biscuit" if it is a boy. At least I can pronounce them.

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