Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Little Fish & Toddler Lock-up

Today was the final day of spring swimming lessons. I was very pleased with the progress both kids made this session!

The Tumbleweed seems to have gotten over her fear of jumping in and actually participated when the class learned kneeling dives. During her final class she was able to swim from the wall to the lane line (about 10 feet) with just a little push to get started. Her "report card" says that she needs to work on her back stroke (she doesn't like leaning back) and accepting help (she really doesn't like it when someone helps her lean back!). But even with that she was recommended for the next level, Eel.

The Dandilion also had a good last class. He has no problem getting his face wet, and even sticks his face in voluntarily to "blow bubbles" (actually drinking the pool). He loved the last class because they had the slide going into the water, which he must have done at least 10 times! He also seemed suddenly able to kick & paddle at the same time. I can tell he can't wait to be independent in the water. He is sick of having Mommy holding him, much like his sister at the same age.

I think the funniest moment of all was the Dandilion playing in the locker while I helped the Tumbleweed in the bathroom. It is the perfect size for him...

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