Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Some days I wish I had one of the cartoon bubble force-fields. You know, the kind you can see through and move around in, but no one can touch you. Yes, I think this would be great. I could cook dinner and keep the kids a safe distance away from knives, hot trays and boiling water. I could sit at my computer and not suddenly have a child in my lap pushing buttons on the keyboard.

Then again - if I could actually have a fictitious television ability, maybe I should just go with the ability to make anything I want happen when I twitch my nose. Then I wouldn't need to keep the kids out of the kitchen while I cook - I could just wiggle my nose and we'd have some gourmet food! Additionally, I could transport us from one activity to the next without having to drive there. Now that would be nice!


AmyR0618 said...

Yeah, but then you would also be married to a man that would force you to hide your biggest talent and make you work harder than that would suck too!!! lol

Ali said...

I still want my Rosie the Robot to cook and clean. Can I have one of those?