Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Our Saturday Triathlon

While the Eagle was off at the Duxbury Beach Triathlon for the morning, the Tumbleweed & I got started on our own triathlon... Soccer, Safety Street & Cycling. Actually, I was merely the transportation - she was the one with all of the activities which happened to all land on the same day.

First Event: Soccer Game - Millbury - 10am

The Tumbleweed (and her whole team) started to look more "together" in this their 3rd game in 8 days. She got her second goal of the season and did much better playing defense & goalie.

Second Event: "Safety Street" School Event - Sutton - 11:30am

The Tumbleweed's school had put together a visit from a school bus & safety exhibitor, plus a police car & an ambulance for the kids to learn more about how to be safe and about the people who keep us safe in the community. She had a good time at the event, and also introduced me to some of her new friends and gave me a little tour of the classroom.

Third Event: Mayor's Cup Cycling Race - Boston - 3pm

From school, we hit the road to meet up with the boys for an afternoon in Boston for the Mayor's Cup cycling race. The Tumbleweed raced in the first heat of the kids' race, which kicked off the entire event. She had a great time, but wished she could ride her bike around more.

After dropping her bike back off at the car, we took in some of the Women's Criterium before heading for dinner. We ate at "Sam's Cafe" - a replica of the bar from Cheers at Faneuil Hall. The Tumbleweed was pretty intrigued by all of the street performers - particularly the man making really elaborate balloon hats. We then watched the end of the Men's Criterium before heading home. The professional racers were quite a sight to see!

It was a crazy day, but as much as I hate going into Boston, I was reminded that there are lots of simple things, like street performers and the T, that the kids can enjoy.

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