Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The Dandelion is 2. He is wild and crazy, clingy and whiney, independent and fearless, unfocused and stubborn, smart and funny. All the things he should be at two. He desperately wants to keep up with his big sis and do all the things that she does, but at two he can't really do that. He's too little for soccer, too young for summer camp and not old enough for pre-school.

But, now that he is two he old enough for playing at Pump-it-up and a child admission at Davis Farmland. He can also take karate, move up a level in swimming, and he can go to "school". Okay, so it isn't pre-school, but it is a special program just for toddlers to learn what pre-school is going to be like - but with their toddler needs in mind (ie - potty training not necessary). I thought this would be a great bridge for the Dandelion to get ready for pre-school, since he has struggled when I've left him at child watch and has often been in the shadow of his sister at playgroups & classes.

I was nervous that he wouldn't do well when it was time to drop-off, but it was just the opposite. He seemed totally comfortable and excited about his "school". He said "good-bye" to the Tumbleweed & I with a quick wave, and we had an hour & a half of free time. I was worried that when I returned that he would have realized shortly after we left that the car was gone and cry, but that was not the case at all! He was very excited to see us when we returned, and gave me a big hug and said "I ha fun at 'cool". The teachers said he did great, only mentioning that "Thomas in Mommy car. Come back Mommy car" briefly at the beginning.

Yay! You are getting so grown-up little buddy!

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