Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


He didn't admit it to begin with. We knew it had his name written all over it, even if he can't write his name yet. After a little prompting, he was almost proud to show us all of the other places he had colored. That is until he went to time out. As I sat on the floor cleaning the wall, he called "It's not fair!" I am pretty sure that he was referring to himself, but that was exactly what I was thinking as I spent my evening attempting to clean dry erase marker off of the textured wall paper. No, it did not come off, but it is lighter.

While the Dandelion does seem to have something against wallpaper (he ripped pieces off in his room resulting in us stripping & painting the walls back in November), he did at least try to make it up to me the next day when I caught him doing this:

I am pleased that the marker doesn't show up much in the picture, but unfortunately it is still quite visible in person.

And, just in case you were worried that we were banning creative expression through markers, here is a picture from today with the Dandelion showing that he knows the proper use for washable markers:

1 comment:

AmyR0618 said...

More importantly, the final picture shows that you didn't kill a PAIN!