Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lady in Pink

As one of my mom-friends found out recently, I have the Backyardigans "Born to Play" CD in my car. We listen to it every day. We start it over when it gets to the end. And I listen to it when I carpool on Mom's Night Out.

The Backyardigans have been quite popular around here for a while. When the Tumbleweed was 2 1/2, she loved to watch her "Backyard Friends" and there was a week when her favorite thing to say was "Great Caesar's Ghost!" Now that she is 4, she asks for "Chichen-itza Pizza" for dinner. And everyday when we get in the car the Dandilion says "digans. Go, go, go!" (That is - "Mommy, put it on track #5")

So... the Backyardigans it is. I have to applaud them for creating a show that encourages imaginative play and incorporates a different style of music in each episode. Lady in Pink....Racing Day.... Nobody's Bigger than a Giant....W-I-O-WA....To the Top of Dragon Mountain....Everything is Boinga.... I know them all!

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