Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tri Sprouts Triathlon

In typical fashion, the Eagle has spread his love for triathlon a little further again this year. Since he started doing triathlons in 2006, he has gotten numerous friends and family members involved in the sport. Beating him to finishing the first race of the season... the Tumbleweed!

Today she competed in the Tri Sprouts Kids Triathlon - her first triathlon - in the pouring rain! With the iffy weather, 50s and rainy, we weren't really sure how the race would go - but she really handled it like a pro.

She started off with a 50 meter swim in the pool. She was excited to wear her new pink swim goggles and just to be safe, we had her wear her swim bubbles (she can swim the length of the pool without them, but we didn't want there to be any problems with the crowd of kids in the pool). She also elected to take a noodle from one of the volunteers, so the swim was really no trouble for her. She even finished ahead of the 8 year old boy sharing her lane, which I believe was the thing she was most proud of all day ;)

After putting on a few layers of clothes in transition, no small task in the rain, she was ready to go out on the bike. It was raining pretty steadily at this point, so I was a bit nervous sending her off for a mile ride where I couldn't see her - especially since she had never ridden without training wheels in the rain! But a little while later she returned, with a look of determination on her face...

After dropping off her bike, she headed out on the run --- with her helmet on. She was definitely cold and did NOT want to take it off. A short while later, we easily picked her out on her way back. The Dandelion gave her some big cheers as she rounded the bend to the finish chute.

When she emerged from the crowd, she was beaming with her new medal. She was cold, but it didn't seem to bother her with her new winning confidence. She couldn't wait to talk to anyone she could about her race! We are so proud of her!

She can't wait to do another race --- which is challenging, because most Kids Triathlons are for ages 7 & up. We found one of the only ones that allows 5 year olds, but we'll keep looking if it is something she loves :)

And with that the 2010 race season is underway... next weekend: Lions Spring Sprint.

1 comment:

AmyR0618 said...

WOW! Go Daniela!!! That is certainly impressive!! Good for her!!!