Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer Vacation... Already!?!

While "summer" is technically still weeks away, the Tumbleweed is finished with school so vacation is upon us. With more than three full months before school starts again, I have been working on ideas to keep learning through out the summer.

I know the kids will be busy doing our usual MOMS Club activities, attending camps, and heading to playgrounds, parks and zoos, but I decided to come up with a list of activities to occupy the kids on rainy days, during car trips or to involve them more in some of the daily activities. As ideas can often do, the list evolved into more than just a list as I divided the activities into themes...

I put a couple nights into creating a binder with everything in it so the Tumbleweed would know exactly where to find things to do. Each theme has 9 categories - Handwriting, Math, Vocabulary, Reading, Writing, Craft, Puzzle, Collecting and Field Trip. And when the 9 activities have been completed in a category, she gets a butterfly patch to sew on her sun hat.

Needless to say, she is very excited! I showed her the book for the first time this morning and she has been finding things to do all day... maybe I shouldn't have showed her everything at once!

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