Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Garden Update: Pests & Strawberries

Something is eating my lupines :( First it was just the leaves, but then right as three stalks were beginning to bloom, the other 4 buds were eaten - two completely and two partially. I am so sad. This plant looked so fabulous a few weeks ago.

There have been a couple other casualties, including the foxglove which usually looks awesome this time of year. On one of the plants I have seen lots of little ants, but I haven't seen them on the other one and none of the buds are blossoming :( The slugs have been eating the daisies, but I think they are faring better than last year so far. Some tiny white slugs(?) ate every leaf off the pea plants that I had just planted on Sunday. So much for that experiment :(

On the bright side, the lilies have survived the Red Lily Beetles and two are blooming. The strawberry patch (!) is turning out about 8-10 berries every other day right now. A few are compromised by the ants/slugs but so far we have gotten to eat at least 20 of our own berries which is much better than last year. Hopefully the blueberries will survive until harvest.


Danielle said...

Jealous of your strawberries!! :)

Marty Guenther said...

The berries look beautiful :).

Ali said...

mmmm…strawberries. Int he 5 years we have lived here, I have not eaten 1 blueberry off my blueberry bush. They always get eaten by "other" things before I can get to them. Maybe this year will be my year.