Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Back to Reality

I hate coming back after a trip. In high school I always came home from a meet weekend and tried to figure out a way to stay home sick. I can't do that these days. Despite the long night of delayed flights and a late drive home, I still had to get up at night with the Dandilion and be up in the morning to take the Tumbleweed to dance class.

The Eagle is exhausted, and will probably need a week to recover. He managed the long weekend, but had some help from Nana and Papa as he had a last minute interview on Thursday and had to go out of town for the day. He took the kids to New Hampshire for skiing. He convinced the Dandilion to start taking bottles and let him try Cheerios. The Tumbleweed got to go skiing again and got to try popcorn.

My trip was great - I had lots of fun, got a little extra sleep (even though I was at crops until midnight), made some new friends, and finished a whole lot of scrapbooking projects!

I'll do it again anyday.

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