I have not been very good about getting back into a routine after the vacation. I have been grocery shopping on weird days, doing laundry only when I need to, and even staying home for entire days! I almost never do that. I guess that is what summer is for - being lazy. Well, I have certianly caught the lazy bug. I hope to catch up on my blogging soon.
Well, the new car has 3000 miles on it and we have returned safely from our 2 week road trip. I will be updating my blog with my thoughts recorded during the trip soon, so I will be able to scrapbook them later.
We are one tired bunch - although somehow no one slept so well in our own beds last night. I hope we can all get back on a schedule soon!
I am a stay-at-home mother of two active kids (8 and 5.5). In between their playgroups & activities, I do my best to record memories of milestones and daily life with photographs and scrapbooks.
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The collection period for the Tumbleweed's school has ended for the year. The school she will be attending next year collects both Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Labels 4 Education.