Still Catching Up...

I wish I could devote more time to blogging these days, but the best I can do is to post when I can.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

On Two Wheels

The Eagle gave me a little break this afternoon and took the kids over to the track in Auburn (near Rocketland) to ride bikes. I had some nice peace & quiet to spend in the yard cleaning up the garden beds and moving plants around, and he and the kids had fun in the sun.

The trip was prompted by the fact that the Dandelion just got his first bike - a Lightning McQueen 12" with training wheels. He was having a hard time riding in our driveway, with all of the little bumps and depressions, so the Eagle wanted to take him somewhere flat. He took the Tumbleweed and her bike for "No Training Wheels, Lesson #3" (sidenote: a few weeks back I posted about Lesson #1 and about a week after that she had gone to the track for lesson #2, where she perfected her balance and got her pedals back).

The Dandelion had a blast on his bike, which fits him quite nicely.

But the big surprise of the day was the Tumbleweed learning to ride without training wheels. She made enormous progress from her previous lessons and was quickly able to ride all by herself! I could tell when he walked in the door that the Eagle was very proud of her, and I am too :)

I heard that there was a little disappointment that the ice cream truck had left before they made it there, but otherwise everyone was quite excited about the afternoon. I am sure there will be many more trips to the track this summer!

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