And it was on to "Plan T" --- T for Thomas the Tank Engine --- to make the best of a rainy day. With the release of the new Thomas movie this week, several stores had planned free activities for today... which now worked out pretty well for us.
We started at Toys R Us - where they had coloring and storytime and a train table with lots of trains to play with. They had a free give away of collector cards in a case and a wheel with all of the Thomas characters on it. The kids were quite well behaved and shared well so we stayed for about 45 minutes (and didn't buy anything!)
Then it was on to AC Moore - where the kids got to color their own train cars and each got an activity book. While the Eagle kept an eye on the artists, I did some Christmas shopping and picked out two trains (James & Gordon) which were on sale at 40% off - and I got a free Thomas with my purchase! The only bummer was that they didn't have the train that the Tumbleweed had asked for "for Christmas" when we were at Toys R Us - Hiro. Oh well, she'll probably change her mind by then anyway.
Since Barnes & Noble was right next door, and both kids knew they had trains, we went and sat around the train table so the Eagle & I could take turns doing some looking around. I was surprised that there weren't more people there, since it is usually quite crowded and difficult for the kids to find a train.
Our final stop was the Y (which had nothing to do with trains). The Eagle had promised to take the Tumbleweed to the pool so, off we went to family swim. Both kids had an absolute blast and looked very comfortable in the water. Fortunately we got there early, because it started to get crowded right as we were getting ready to leave.
And it was so nice to return home to the crock pot chili the Eagle started before we left!
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