Tonight's bedtime was a bit of a challenge. Things started off well - the Dandilion was in his jammies with a fresh diaper and teeth brushed when I put him in his crib. This is never popular, but it has to be done. It usually takes a few minutes before he finds a "sweet spot" to sit and listen to a story. Tonight he wouldn't sit down. He was looking for his "Moon Book" (Goodnight Moon). Usually we find it under a blanket, sometimes on the floor, and on rare occasion (when the afternoon nap has gone horribly wrong) between the crib & the wall. But we always find it, and we always read it. Tonight it was nowhere. So I read a different book. He cried the whole time. I recited Goodnight Moon from memory. I don't think he heard one word of it. With him still yelling, I turned on his white noise and hit the light switch and left the room. I figured he would eventually calm himself down.
I was wrong. Through the crying I could make sense of a few words --- "moon", "get it", "mommy down" --- so it was obvious that I had better find it, or I would be heading to Barnes & Noble to get a new copy if I wanted any sleep. About a half hour later, I found it in the Tumbleweed's room. Finally. He calmed down as soon as he saw it. I read his precious book and he settled right down, clutching it, and said "nite, Mommy. I yu yoo"
All was right in his world again.
Here is another cute thing that I noticed him doing today...
For the past couple of months, if he falls down I say "Are you okay?" and he has replied "I okay". Today he changed his response. His new answer is "I fine". So cute.
Since I am recording things, I should also add that the Dandilion still calls several kinds of animals "Cow". Donkey, sheep, goat, horse, zebra - all a "cow" to him. (though he will repeat their names if you say them first). And if you ask, "What does a cow say?"... the answer: "move"
He has a similar naming structure for people... all men are "Daddy", all women are "mommy", kids are "kid" and all kids his size or smaller are "baby". He does do pretty well with people he knows though... every night at dinner he goes around the table pointing..."Daddy, Mommy, Dawa, Camin".
Still Cute.
The First Few Days of Bottle-feeding Your Baby
6 years ago
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