The Dandilion is going to test our vigilence. While I was bagging up the Valentine's gifts, the phone rang. I left the Dandilion sitting near the bagged presents, but not close enough to touch. When I returned he was in the midst of them, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. I soon figured out why. I found the remnants of a tag off of one of the gift bags, all gummed up in his lap. I took it away. He had definitely eaten some, but I figured since he didn't seem to be choking it probably wasn't a big deal.
But, I was soon proved wrong, as the Dandilion projectile vomited his entire stomach contents all over the place. A few pieces of paper in the mix, but overall not much. But even after that he was still happy as a clam.
The First Few Days of Bottle-feeding Your Baby
6 years ago
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